Become a Friend of Jocassee member at one of the donor levels below:
$10 - Student Membership
$20 - Individual Membership
$30 - Family Membership
$100 - Eastatoee Donor
$250 - Toxaway Donor
$500 - Horsepasture Donor
$1,000 - Thompson Donor
$2,500 - Whitewater Donor
*Custom donation option available*
Your support directly helps preserve, protect and promote natural and cultural resources of the Jocassee area and the recreational opportunities it provides
FOJ is a registered 501(C)(3) Non-Profit and donations are Tax Deductible
To set up a recurring membership instead of a one time membership, select the type and follow the button to pay:
If you wish to join by mail, please print the following form and send to: FOJ PO Box 621, Salem, SC 29676